Televised inspection: pipes and sewers
The upkeep and maintenance of wastewater networks are crucial issues for local authorities and specialized companies. Among modern technological tools, televised inspection...
TV inspection: drone & robot, innovative solutions
Television inspection (TVI) has become a key technology in many industrial sectors. Used to examine the interior of hard-to-reach infrastructures, this method plays a key role in...
Television inspection in Seine-Maritime: Multinnov and its innovative solutions
Televisual inspection (TVI) is an essential technology for the upkeep and maintenance of industrial and urban infrastructures. In Seine-Maritime, a department with a high...
Stereo2: The professional drone for inspection in confined spaces
Inspecting infrastructure in confined spaces is a complex task requiring tools adapted to difficult environments. Between access constraints, risks for operators and safety requirements,...
Stormwater basin inspection: Roview2 demonstrated by Bureau Veritas
The maintenance and inspection of underground infrastructures are crucial to ensure their proper operation and prevent the risks associated with their deterioration. Among these infrastructures, the...
Bridge deck inspection : Infraneo relies on Multinnov's Roview2
The inspection of road and rail infrastructures is a major challenge to ensure their durability and the safety of users. Among these essential structures, bridge decks are particularly...
NF EN 13508-2: Does the Roview2 meet this standard?
Inspecting sewer systems is essential to ensure their proper operation and avoid the risk of damage. Whether to prevent blockages, detect...
Industrial inspection by drone: a revolution for safety and efficiency
Inspecting industrial infrastructures is an essential part of ensuring their proper operation, regulatory compliance and worker safety. However, these...
Payloads adapted to Stereo2 and Roview2, Maximize the performance of your inspection drones.
What is a payload? In the drone world, the term payload refers to the payload that a drone can carry. It includes equipment and sensors installed on the drone to perform specific tasks, such as...
Report from the Heidelberg Materials cement plant in Lixhe in collaboration with Alphascan
Industrial inspections are crucial to maintaining the safety, productivity and quality of processes in high-risk environments. In sectors such as the...